Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Εθνολογίας - Greek Society for Ethnology

Regulations of the ethnology journal

The HSE journal, “Ethnologhia” aspires to the nurture of ethnological and anthropological studies as well as to the promotion of the new scientific forces. Those aspirations are realized with the co-operation from the Editorial Board.

Object of the studies is the consideration of the culture and society in their whole spectrum.

Essays meant for publication must necessarily have a theoretical and methodological structure and a vaster perspective. Also in “Ethnologhia”, there is space for essays, which treat theoretical and methodological issues in connection with the science of Ethnology itself.

Essays must be written in modern Greek and be accompanied by a detailed summary, one and a half page long, typed, in either French or English. The use of a foreign language is allowed only for the foreign collaborators of the journal, in which case the articles must be accompanied by a summary of similar extent in modern Greek.

Guide-lines for authors - collaborators

Essays must be delivered to the Editorial Board of the “Ethnologhia” journal in five (5) copies and with a 1.5 or 2 gap and wide margins. Notes must be grouped together at the end with consecutive numeration. Drawings and photographs must be of a satisfying quality or they will not be published. Captions must be written on a separate paper with a direct mention to the number of the drawing or photograph.

Essays must be accompanied by a PC disk in .doc form. The shipment of the copies and the disk must always be preceded by an associated telephone communication.

Each essay must be accompanied by a summary in either French or English, (1.5type script maximum).

The attestation of the summary is undertaken by the Editorial Board


